Marketplace API
Download OpenAPI specification:Download
Symblepay Marketplace API makes it easy for you to setup secure payments on your marketplace.
Create business user
header Parameters
X-Correlation-Id | string <uuid> [ 20 .. 64 ] characters Correlation ID used for logging. |
Request Body schema: application/json
businessId required | string [ 1 .. 64 ] characters |
businessLocationId required | string [ 1 .. 64 ] characters |
name required | string [ 2 .. 200 ] characters |
phoneNumber required | string non-empty |
required | object (Models.AddressModel) |
payoutsAccountNumber required | string [ 14 .. 34 ] characters |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "businessId": "string",
- "businessLocationId": "string",
- "name": "string",
- "phoneNumber": "string",
- "address": {
- "streetName": "string",
- "houseNumber": "string",
- "city": "string",
- "postNumber": "string",
- "municipalityName": "string",
- "floor": "string",
- "sideDoor": "string"
}, - "payoutsAccountNumber": "stringstringst"
Response samples
- 200
- 400
{- "symblepayUserId": "string",
- "businessId": "string",
- "businessLocationId": "string",
- "userId": "string",
- "bankAccount": {
- "bank": "string",
- "accountNumber": "string",
- "name": "string"
}, - "address": {
- "streetName": "string",
- "houseNumber": "string",
- "city": "string",
- "postNumber": "string",
- "municipalityName": "string",
- "floor": "string",
- "sideDoor": "string"
Edit business user
path Parameters
businessId required | string [ 1 .. 64 ] characters CVR number for danish company. Only whitelisted numbers are allowed |
businessLocationId required | string [ 1 .. 64 ] characters for danish company |
header Parameters
X-Correlation-Id | string <uuid> [ 20 .. 64 ] characters Correlation ID used for logging. |
Request Body schema: application/json
name required | string [ 2 .. 200 ] characters |
phoneNumber required | string or null |
required | object (Models.AddressModel) |
payoutsAccountNumber required | string [ 14 .. 34 ] characters |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "name": "string",
- "phoneNumber": "string",
- "address": {
- "streetName": "string",
- "houseNumber": "string",
- "city": "string",
- "postNumber": "string",
- "municipalityName": "string",
- "floor": "string",
- "sideDoor": "string"
}, - "payoutsAccountNumber": "stringstringst"
Response samples
- 200
- 400
{- "symblepayUserId": "string",
- "businessId": "string",
- "businessLocationId": "string",
- "bankAccount": {
- "bank": "string",
- "accountNumber": "string",
- "name": "string"
}, - "address": {
- "streetName": "string",
- "houseNumber": "string",
- "city": "string",
- "postNumber": "string",
- "municipalityName": "string",
- "floor": "string",
- "sideDoor": "string"
Get business user
path Parameters
businessId required | string [ 1 .. 64 ] characters CVR number for danish company. Only whitelisted numbers are allowed |
businessLocationId required | string [ 1 .. 64 ] characters for danish company |
header Parameters
X-Correlation-Id | string <uuid> [ 20 .. 64 ] characters Correlation ID used for logging. |
Response samples
- 200
- 400
{- "symblepayUserId": "string",
- "businessId": "string",
- "businessLocationId": "string",
- "bankAccount": {
- "bank": "string",
- "accountNumber": "string",
- "name": "string"
}, - "address": {
- "streetName": "string",
- "houseNumber": "string",
- "city": "string",
- "postNumber": "string",
- "municipalityName": "string",
- "floor": "string",
- "sideDoor": "string"
Delete business user
path Parameters
businessId required | string [ 1 .. 64 ] characters CVR number for danish company. Only whitelisted numbers are allowed |
businessLocationId required | string [ 1 .. 64 ] characters for danish company |
header Parameters
X-Correlation-Id | string <uuid> [ 20 .. 64 ] characters Correlation ID used for logging. |
Response samples
- 400
{- "title": "The trade id was not known",
- "detail": "The trade id need to be created and belonging to your account. Ensure that {TradeId} is belonging to your organization and it is created",
- "status": 0,
- "errors": [
- {
- "key": "name",
- "value": "Name was not above the required 20 chars"
], - "traceId": "d468dfbe-323d-48a4-8399-e6104876331a",
- "typeCode": "not-found"
Initiate new trade
header Parameters
X-Correlation-Id | string <uuid> [ 20 .. 64 ] characters Correlation ID used for logging. |
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
title required | string [ 1 .. 64 ] characters The title users will see for this item in Symblepay |
description required | string [ 1 .. 5000 ] characters The description users will see for this item in Symblepay |
amount required | number <double> [ 5 .. 10000000 ] The amount of money the item is being sold for. The amount will be rounded to 2 decimals if more than two decimals are send. |
payerFee required | number <double> [ 0 .. 100 ] The percentage used to calculate the payers fee on top of the amount. This fee is the total fee and the agreed Symblepay percentage fee will be taken from this value. |
payerFixedFee required | number <double> [ 0 .. 2147483647 ] The fixed fee used to calculate the payers fee taken before payouts. This fee is the fixed fee and the agreed Symblepay fixed fee will be taken from this value. |
payeeFee required | number <double> [ 0 .. 100 ] The percentage used to calculate the payees fee taken before payouts. This fee is the total fee and the agreed Symblepay percentage fee will be taken from this value. |
payeeFixedFee required | number <double> [ 0 .. 2147483647 ] The fixed fee used to calculate the payees fee taken before payouts. This fee is the fixed fee and the agreed Symblepay fixed fee will be taken from this value. |
payerMarketplaceUserId required | string [ 1 .. 64 ] characters The marketplace user id for the payer in the trade |
payeeMarketplaceUserId required | string [ 1 .. 64 ] characters The marketplace user id for the payee in the trade. This user should already be connected through the connect-flow |
referenceId | string or null <= 64 characters The reference id for this trade on the Marketplace side. |
checkoutIdempotencyKey | string or null [ 1 .. 64 ] characters Deprecated The unique idempotency key for this trade. There will only be at most one successful payment and checkout for this key |
checkoutUniquenessKey | string or null [ 1 .. 64 ] characters The unique key for this trade. There will only be at most one successful payment and checkout for this key |
deliveryByHandAllowed | boolean Specifies if the seller has agreed on By Hand Delivery |
object (SubmitCheckoutCommand.Command.CheckoutBody.ShippingModel) | |
object (SubmitCheckoutCommand.Command.CheckoutBody.ReturnShippingModel) | |
successUrl required | string [ 1 .. 2048 ] characters The uri users are forwarded to after a successful payment. |
cancelUrl required | string [ 1 .. 2048 ] characters The uri users are returned to if they cancel the flow. |
imageUrls | Array of strings or null Optional list of image uris used to describe the item. |
object (MarketplaceConstants.AppSwitchModel) | |
Array of objects or null (SubmitCheckoutCommand.Command.CheckoutBody.PrioritizedPayeeModel) |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "title": "Adidas Campus 00s",
- "description": "Almost new Adidas Campus 00s. Used 3 times and still have the box and receipt.",
- "amount": 1200.5,
- "payerFee": 5,
- "payerFixedFee": 0,
- "payeeFee": 3.5,
- "payeeFixedFee": 0,
- "payerMarketplaceUserId": "003dc3d2-dc30-4b37-a573-f664a03f5154",
- "payeeMarketplaceUserId": "82f700bd-5789-4623-95e7-0d34fde4720c",
- "referenceId": "971861ba-947a-4b54-9c3d-be3eaa16b113",
- "checkoutIdempotencyKey": "e5e09423-1ebb-46ce-847c-24970479373a",
- "checkoutUniquenessKey": "e5e09423-1ebb-46ce-847c-24970479373a",
- "deliveryByHandAllowed": false,
- "shipping": {
- "expectedMaxWeight": 1000,
- "paidBy": "Payer",
- "returnPaidBy": "Payer",
- "shippingOptions": null,
- "sender": null,
- "receiver": null,
- "price": 39
}, - "returnShipping": null,
- "checkoutType": "Marketplace",
- "imageUrls": [
], - "appSwitch": null,
- "prioritizedPayees": null
Response samples
- 200
- 400
{- "tradeId": "295a2546-ee78-4ec4-9e0f-b49af13536b8"
Cancel ongoing trade
header Parameters
X-Correlation-Id | string <uuid> [ 20 .. 64 ] characters Correlation ID used for logging. |
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
state required | string [ 1 .. 64 ] characters The state id of the trade. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "state": "string"
Response samples
- 200
- 400
{- "state": "string"
Get trades
path Parameters
marketplaceUserId required | string [ 1 .. 64 ] characters The unique user id. This should be the same id, that is used when using the connection-flow. |
header Parameters
X-Correlation-Id | string <uuid> [ 20 .. 64 ] characters Correlation ID used for logging. |
Response samples
- 200
- 400
{- "trades": [
- {
- "tradeId": "a95a1320-fce8-4838-9ff2-286501b45350",
- "payer": {
- "symblepayUserId": "003dc3d2-dc30-4b37-a573-f664a03f5154",
- "phoneNumber": null,
- "name": "Lars Jensen",
- "city": "Trørød",
- "postalCode": "2950",
- "address": "Bygstubben 3",
- "fees": {
- "fixedAmount": 0,
- "variableAmount": 0,
- "variablePercentage": 0,
- "amount": 0
}, - "status": {
- "deadline": null,
- "deadlineDescription": null,
- "title": "Venter på levering af pakken",
- "description": null,
- "iconId": null,
- "actions": null,
- "hasPendingAction": false
}, - "timeline": [ ]
}, - "payee": {
- "symblepayUserId": "82f700bd-5789-4623-95e7-0d34fde4720c",
- "phoneNumber": null,
- "name": "Jytte Larsen",
- "city": "Aarhus",
- "postalCode": "8000",
- "address": "Immervad 2",
- "fees": {
- "fixedAmount": 0,
- "variableAmount": 0,
- "variablePercentage": 0,
- "amount": 0
}, - "status": {
- "deadline": null,
- "deadlineDescription": null,
- "title": "Venter på levering af pakken",
- "description": null,
- "iconId": null,
- "actions": null,
- "hasPendingAction": false
}, - "timeline": [ ]
}, - "createdBy": "82f700bd-5789-4623-95e7-0d34fde4720c",
- "referenceId": "3811b9da-dd5b-4834-b266-2414e76276aa",
- "title": "Adidas Campus 00s",
- "description": "Campus 00s Crystal White / Core Black / Off White",
- "price": 1050,
- "prioritizedPayees": null,
- "phases": {
- "contract": null,
- "delivery": null,
- "return": null,
- "finished": null
}, - "images": null
}, - {
- "tradeId": "a95a1320-fce8-4838-9ff2-286501b45350",
- "payer": {
- "symblepayUserId": "003dc3d2-dc30-4b37-a573-f664a03f5154",
- "phoneNumber": null,
- "name": "Lars Jensen",
- "city": "Trørød",
- "postalCode": "2950",
- "address": "Bygstubben 3",
- "fees": {
- "fixedAmount": 0,
- "variableAmount": 0,
- "variablePercentage": 0,
- "amount": 0
}, - "status": {
- "deadline": null,
- "deadlineDescription": null,
- "title": "Venter på levering af pakken",
- "description": null,
- "iconId": null,
- "actions": null,
- "hasPendingAction": false
}, - "timeline": [ ]
}, - "payee": {
- "symblepayUserId": "82f700bd-5789-4623-95e7-0d34fde4720c",
- "phoneNumber": null,
- "name": "Jytte Larsen",
- "city": "Aarhus",
- "postalCode": "8000",
- "address": "Immervad 2",
- "fees": {
- "fixedAmount": 0,
- "variableAmount": 0,
- "variablePercentage": 0,
- "amount": 0
}, - "status": {
- "deadline": null,
- "deadlineDescription": null,
- "title": "Venter på levering af pakken",
- "description": null,
- "iconId": null,
- "actions": null,
- "hasPendingAction": false
}, - "timeline": [ ]
}, - "createdBy": "82f700bd-5789-4623-95e7-0d34fde4720c",
- "referenceId": "3811b9da-dd5b-4834-b266-2414e76276aa",
- "title": "Adidas Campus 00s",
- "description": "Campus 00s Crystal White / Core Black / Off White",
- "price": 1050,
- "prioritizedPayees": null,
- "phases": {
- "contract": null,
- "delivery": null,
- "return": null,
- "finished": null
}, - "images": null
], - "pagination": {
- "pageSize": 20,
- "page": 1
Get trade details
path Parameters
marketplaceUserId required | string [ 1 .. 64 ] characters The unique user id. This should be the same id, that is used when using the connection-flow. |
tradeId required | string [ 1 .. 64 ] characters The trade id to get details for |
header Parameters
X-Correlation-Id | string <uuid> [ 20 .. 64 ] characters Correlation ID used for logging. |
Response samples
- 200
- 400
{- "tradeId": "a95a1320-fce8-4838-9ff2-286501b45350",
- "payer": {
- "symblepayUserId": "003dc3d2-dc30-4b37-a573-f664a03f5154",
- "phoneNumber": null,
- "name": "Lars Jensen",
- "city": "Trørød",
- "postalCode": "2950",
- "address": "Bygstubben 3",
- "fees": {
- "fixedAmount": 0,
- "variableAmount": 0,
- "variablePercentage": 0,
- "amount": 0
}, - "status": {
- "deadline": null,
- "deadlineDescription": null,
- "title": "Venter på levering af pakken",
- "description": null,
- "iconId": null,
- "actions": null,
- "hasPendingAction": false
}, - "timeline": [ ]
}, - "payee": {
- "symblepayUserId": "82f700bd-5789-4623-95e7-0d34fde4720c",
- "phoneNumber": null,
- "name": "Jytte Larsen",
- "city": "Aarhus",
- "postalCode": "8000",
- "address": "Immervad 2",
- "fees": {
- "fixedAmount": 0,
- "variableAmount": 0,
- "variablePercentage": 0,
- "amount": 0
}, - "status": {
- "deadline": null,
- "deadlineDescription": null,
- "title": "Venter på levering af pakken",
- "description": null,
- "iconId": null,
- "actions": null,
- "hasPendingAction": false
}, - "timeline": [ ]
}, - "createdBy": "82f700bd-5789-4623-95e7-0d34fde4720c",
- "referenceId": "3811b9da-dd5b-4834-b266-2414e76276aa",
- "title": "Adidas Campus 00s",
- "description": "Campus 00s Crystal White / Core Black / Off White",
- "price": 1050,
- "prioritizedPayees": null,
- "phases": {
- "contract": null,
- "delivery": null,
- "return": null,
- "finished": null
}, - "images": null
Get trade status link
path Parameters
marketplaceUserId required | string [ 1 .. 64 ] characters The unique user id. This should be the same id, that is used when using the connection-flow. |
tradeId required | string [ 1 .. 64 ] characters The trade id to get details for |
header Parameters
X-Correlation-Id | string <uuid> [ 20 .. 64 ] characters Correlation ID used for logging. |
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
Setup information for the status flow
returnUrl required | string [ 1 .. 2048 ] characters |
object (MarketplaceConstants.AppSwitchModel) |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "returnUrl": "string",
- "appSwitch": {
- "appSwitchCallbackUri": "string",
- "operatingSystem": "Android"
Response samples
- 200
- 400
Initiate user connect
query Parameters
forceOnboarding | boolean Default: false Toggle to ensure users are forced through a MitID sign-in flow when they connect with Symblepay. This can be used to overwrite potential cookies set in a users session. |
header Parameters
X-Correlation-Id | string <uuid> [ 20 .. 64 ] characters Correlation ID used for logging. |
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
successUrl required | string [ 1 .. 2048 ] characters The uri users are forwarded to after a successful flow. |
cancelUrl required | string [ 1 .. 2048 ] characters The uri users are forwarded to after cancelling a flow. |
object (MarketplaceConstants.AppSwitchModel) | |
marketplaceUserId required | string [ 1 .. 64 ] characters The marketplace user id to connect |
requiredKycLevel | integer or null <int32> [ 1 .. 2 ] The required level of KYC for users to have, if any. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "appSwitch": null,
- "marketplaceUserId": "b1910fdd-0889-41a5-af5f-45cc3381afe2",
- "requiredKycLevel": null
Response samples
- 200
- 400
Initiate select payout account
path Parameters
marketplaceUserId required | string [ 1 .. 64 ] characters The marketplace user id |
header Parameters
X-Correlation-Id | string <uuid> [ 20 .. 64 ] characters Correlation ID used for logging. |
Request Body schema: application/json
returnUrl | string or null |
object (MarketplaceConstants.AppSwitchModel) |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "returnUrl": "string",
- "appSwitch": {
- "appSwitchCallbackUri": "string",
- "operatingSystem": "Android"
Response samples
- 200
- 400
Get user details
path Parameters
marketplaceUserId required | string [ 1 .. 64 ] characters The marketplace user id |
header Parameters
X-Correlation-Id | string <uuid> [ 20 .. 64 ] characters Correlation ID used for logging. |
Response samples
- 200
- 400
{- "symblepayUserId": "9a1d4a0c-9700-4e18-bc77-7bc7d4a32c66",
- "bankAccount": {
- "bank": "Danske Bank",
- "accountNumber": "DK5000400440116243",
- "name": "Salary account"
}, - "name": "John Doe",
- "phoneNumber": "+45 12345678"
Accept trade invitation
path Parameters
marketplaceUserId required | string [ 1 .. 64 ] characters Unique user id. |
tradeId required | string [ 1 .. 64 ] characters Unique trade id. |
header Parameters
X-Correlation-Id | string <uuid> [ 20 .. 64 ] characters Correlation ID used for logging. |
Response samples
- 200
- 400
{- "tradeId": "a95a1320-fce8-4838-9ff2-286501b45350",
- "payer": {
- "symblepayUserId": "003dc3d2-dc30-4b37-a573-f664a03f5154",
- "phoneNumber": null,
- "name": "Lars Jensen",
- "city": "Trørød",
- "postalCode": "2950",
- "address": "Bygstubben 3",
- "fees": {
- "fixedAmount": 0,
- "variableAmount": 0,
- "variablePercentage": 0,
- "amount": 0
}, - "status": {
- "deadline": null,
- "deadlineDescription": null,
- "title": "Venter på levering af pakken",
- "description": null,
- "iconId": null,
- "actions": null,
- "hasPendingAction": false
}, - "timeline": [ ]
}, - "payee": {
- "symblepayUserId": "82f700bd-5789-4623-95e7-0d34fde4720c",
- "phoneNumber": null,
- "name": "Jytte Larsen",
- "city": "Aarhus",
- "postalCode": "8000",
- "address": "Immervad 2",
- "fees": {
- "fixedAmount": 0,
- "variableAmount": 0,
- "variablePercentage": 0,
- "amount": 0
}, - "status": {
- "deadline": null,
- "deadlineDescription": null,
- "title": "Venter på levering af pakken",
- "description": null,
- "iconId": null,
- "actions": null,
- "hasPendingAction": false
}, - "timeline": [ ]
}, - "createdBy": "82f700bd-5789-4623-95e7-0d34fde4720c",
- "referenceId": "3811b9da-dd5b-4834-b266-2414e76276aa",
- "title": "Adidas Campus 00s",
- "description": "Campus 00s Crystal White / Core Black / Off White",
- "price": 1050,
- "prioritizedPayees": null,
- "phases": {
- "contract": null,
- "delivery": null,
- "return": null,
- "finished": null
}, - "images": null
Accept trade invitation and pay
path Parameters
marketplaceUserId required | string [ 1 .. 64 ] characters Unique user id. |
tradeId required | string [ 1 .. 64 ] characters Unique trade id. |
query Parameters
receiverShopId | string <= 64 characters Receiver shop. |
header Parameters
X-Correlation-Id | string <uuid> [ 20 .. 64 ] characters Correlation ID used for logging. |
Response samples
- 200
- 400
{- "externalId": "string",
- "amount": 0.1,
- "isPaid": true,
- "state": "Pending"
Reject trade invitation
path Parameters
marketplaceUserId required | string [ 1 .. 64 ] characters Unique user id. |
tradeId required | string [ 1 .. 64 ] characters Unique trade id. |
header Parameters
X-Correlation-Id | string <uuid> [ 20 .. 64 ] characters Correlation ID used for logging. |
Response samples
- 200
- 400
{- "tradeId": "a95a1320-fce8-4838-9ff2-286501b45350",
- "payer": {
- "symblepayUserId": "003dc3d2-dc30-4b37-a573-f664a03f5154",
- "phoneNumber": null,
- "name": "Lars Jensen",
- "city": "Trørød",
- "postalCode": "2950",
- "address": "Bygstubben 3",
- "fees": {
- "fixedAmount": 0,
- "variableAmount": 0,
- "variablePercentage": 0,
- "amount": 0
}, - "status": {
- "deadline": null,
- "deadlineDescription": null,
- "title": "Venter på levering af pakken",
- "description": null,
- "iconId": null,
- "actions": null,
- "hasPendingAction": false
}, - "timeline": [ ]
}, - "payee": {
- "symblepayUserId": "82f700bd-5789-4623-95e7-0d34fde4720c",
- "phoneNumber": null,
- "name": "Jytte Larsen",
- "city": "Aarhus",
- "postalCode": "8000",
- "address": "Immervad 2",
- "fees": {
- "fixedAmount": 0,
- "variableAmount": 0,
- "variablePercentage": 0,
- "amount": 0
}, - "status": {
- "deadline": null,
- "deadlineDescription": null,
- "title": "Venter på levering af pakken",
- "description": null,
- "iconId": null,
- "actions": null,
- "hasPendingAction": false
}, - "timeline": [ ]
}, - "createdBy": "82f700bd-5789-4623-95e7-0d34fde4720c",
- "referenceId": "3811b9da-dd5b-4834-b266-2414e76276aa",
- "title": "Adidas Campus 00s",
- "description": "Campus 00s Crystal White / Core Black / Off White",
- "price": 1050,
- "prioritizedPayees": null,
- "phases": {
- "contract": null,
- "delivery": null,
- "return": null,
- "finished": null
}, - "images": null
Accept item condition
path Parameters
marketplaceUserId required | string [ 1 .. 64 ] characters Unique user id. |
tradeId required | string [ 1 .. 64 ] characters Unique trade id. |
header Parameters
X-Correlation-Id | string <uuid> [ 20 .. 64 ] characters Correlation ID used for logging. |
Response samples
- 200
- 400
{- "tradeId": "a95a1320-fce8-4838-9ff2-286501b45350",
- "payer": {
- "symblepayUserId": "003dc3d2-dc30-4b37-a573-f664a03f5154",
- "phoneNumber": null,
- "name": "Lars Jensen",
- "city": "Trørød",
- "postalCode": "2950",
- "address": "Bygstubben 3",
- "fees": {
- "fixedAmount": 0,
- "variableAmount": 0,
- "variablePercentage": 0,
- "amount": 0
}, - "status": {
- "deadline": null,
- "deadlineDescription": null,
- "title": "Venter på levering af pakken",
- "description": null,
- "iconId": null,
- "actions": null,
- "hasPendingAction": false
}, - "timeline": [ ]
}, - "payee": {
- "symblepayUserId": "82f700bd-5789-4623-95e7-0d34fde4720c",
- "phoneNumber": null,
- "name": "Jytte Larsen",
- "city": "Aarhus",
- "postalCode": "8000",
- "address": "Immervad 2",
- "fees": {
- "fixedAmount": 0,
- "variableAmount": 0,
- "variablePercentage": 0,
- "amount": 0
}, - "status": {
- "deadline": null,
- "deadlineDescription": null,
- "title": "Venter på levering af pakken",
- "description": null,
- "iconId": null,
- "actions": null,
- "hasPendingAction": false
}, - "timeline": [ ]
}, - "createdBy": "82f700bd-5789-4623-95e7-0d34fde4720c",
- "referenceId": "3811b9da-dd5b-4834-b266-2414e76276aa",
- "title": "Adidas Campus 00s",
- "description": "Campus 00s Crystal White / Core Black / Off White",
- "price": 1050,
- "prioritizedPayees": null,
- "phases": {
- "contract": null,
- "delivery": null,
- "return": null,
- "finished": null
}, - "images": null
Reject item condition
path Parameters
marketplaceUserId required | string [ 1 .. 64 ] characters Unique user id. |
tradeId required | string [ 1 .. 64 ] characters Unique trade id. |
header Parameters
X-Correlation-Id | string <uuid> [ 20 .. 64 ] characters Correlation ID used for logging. |
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
Rejection reason.
Request samples
- Payload
Response samples
- 200
- 400
{- "tradeId": "a95a1320-fce8-4838-9ff2-286501b45350",
- "payer": {
- "symblepayUserId": "003dc3d2-dc30-4b37-a573-f664a03f5154",
- "phoneNumber": null,
- "name": "Lars Jensen",
- "city": "Trørød",
- "postalCode": "2950",
- "address": "Bygstubben 3",
- "fees": {
- "fixedAmount": 0,
- "variableAmount": 0,
- "variablePercentage": 0,
- "amount": 0
}, - "status": {
- "deadline": null,
- "deadlineDescription": null,
- "title": "Venter på levering af pakken",
- "description": null,
- "iconId": null,
- "actions": null,
- "hasPendingAction": false
}, - "timeline": [ ]
}, - "payee": {
- "symblepayUserId": "82f700bd-5789-4623-95e7-0d34fde4720c",
- "phoneNumber": null,
- "name": "Jytte Larsen",
- "city": "Aarhus",
- "postalCode": "8000",
- "address": "Immervad 2",
- "fees": {
- "fixedAmount": 0,
- "variableAmount": 0,
- "variablePercentage": 0,
- "amount": 0
}, - "status": {
- "deadline": null,
- "deadlineDescription": null,
- "title": "Venter på levering af pakken",
- "description": null,
- "iconId": null,
- "actions": null,
- "hasPendingAction": false
}, - "timeline": [ ]
}, - "createdBy": "82f700bd-5789-4623-95e7-0d34fde4720c",
- "referenceId": "3811b9da-dd5b-4834-b266-2414e76276aa",
- "title": "Adidas Campus 00s",
- "description": "Campus 00s Crystal White / Core Black / Off White",
- "price": 1050,
- "prioritizedPayees": null,
- "phases": {
- "contract": null,
- "delivery": null,
- "return": null,
- "finished": null
}, - "images": null
Abandon trade
path Parameters
marketplaceUserId required | string [ 1 .. 64 ] characters Unique user id. |
tradeId required | string [ 1 .. 64 ] characters Unique trade id. |
header Parameters
X-Correlation-Id | string <uuid> [ 20 .. 64 ] characters Correlation ID used for logging. |
Response samples
- 200
- 400
{- "tradeId": "a95a1320-fce8-4838-9ff2-286501b45350",
- "payer": {
- "symblepayUserId": "003dc3d2-dc30-4b37-a573-f664a03f5154",
- "phoneNumber": null,
- "name": "Lars Jensen",
- "city": "Trørød",
- "postalCode": "2950",
- "address": "Bygstubben 3",
- "fees": {
- "fixedAmount": 0,
- "variableAmount": 0,
- "variablePercentage": 0,
- "amount": 0
}, - "status": {
- "deadline": null,
- "deadlineDescription": null,
- "title": "Venter på levering af pakken",
- "description": null,
- "iconId": null,
- "actions": null,
- "hasPendingAction": false
}, - "timeline": [ ]
}, - "payee": {
- "symblepayUserId": "82f700bd-5789-4623-95e7-0d34fde4720c",
- "phoneNumber": null,
- "name": "Jytte Larsen",
- "city": "Aarhus",
- "postalCode": "8000",
- "address": "Immervad 2",
- "fees": {
- "fixedAmount": 0,
- "variableAmount": 0,
- "variablePercentage": 0,
- "amount": 0
}, - "status": {
- "deadline": null,
- "deadlineDescription": null,
- "title": "Venter på levering af pakken",
- "description": null,
- "iconId": null,
- "actions": null,
- "hasPendingAction": false
}, - "timeline": [ ]
}, - "createdBy": "82f700bd-5789-4623-95e7-0d34fde4720c",
- "referenceId": "3811b9da-dd5b-4834-b266-2414e76276aa",
- "title": "Adidas Campus 00s",
- "description": "Campus 00s Crystal White / Core Black / Off White",
- "price": 1050,
- "prioritizedPayees": null,
- "phases": {
- "contract": null,
- "delivery": null,
- "return": null,
- "finished": null
}, - "images": null
Initiate payment flow
path Parameters
marketplaceUserId required | string [ 1 .. 64 ] characters Unique user id. |
paymentId required | string [ 1 .. 64 ] characters Payment Id |
header Parameters
X-Correlation-Id | string <uuid> [ 20 .. 64 ] characters Correlation ID used for logging. |
Request Body schema: application/json
successUrl required | string [ 1 .. 2048 ] characters |
cancelUrl required | string [ 1 .. 2048 ] characters |
object (MarketplaceConstants.AppSwitchModel) |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "successUrl": "string",
- "cancelUrl": "string",
- "appSwitch": {
- "appSwitchCallbackUri": "string",
- "operatingSystem": "Android"
Response samples
- 200
- 400
Get payment to escrow.
path Parameters
marketplaceUserId required | string [ 1 .. 64 ] characters Unique user id. |
tradeId required | string [ 1 .. 64 ] characters Unique trade id. |
header Parameters
X-Correlation-Id | string <uuid> [ 20 .. 64 ] characters Correlation ID used for logging. |
Response samples
- 200
- 400
{- "externalId": "string",
- "amount": 0.1,
- "isPaid": true,
- "state": "Pending"
Buy shipment for delivery
path Parameters
marketplaceUserId required | string [ 1 .. 64 ] characters Unique user id. |
tradeId required | string [ 1 .. 64 ] characters Unique trade id. |
header Parameters
X-Correlation-Id | string <uuid> [ 20 .. 64 ] characters Correlation ID used for logging. |
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
Shipment data.
price required | number <double> Price the user should pay for the shipment. |
shipmentProviderId required | string non-empty Shipment provider used for the shipment. Possible options are "Dao, PostNord" |
expectedMaxWeightInGrams required | integer <int32> What is the expected weight of the package being send |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "price": 0.1,
- "shipmentProviderId": "string",
- "expectedMaxWeightInGrams": 0
Response samples
- 200
- 400
{- "externalId": "string",
- "amount": 0.1,
- "isPaid": true,
- "state": "Pending"
Buy shipment for return
path Parameters
marketplaceUserId required | string [ 1 .. 64 ] characters Unique user id. |
tradeId required | string [ 1 .. 64 ] characters Unique trade id. |
header Parameters
X-Correlation-Id | string <uuid> [ 20 .. 64 ] characters Correlation ID used for logging. |
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
Shipment data.
price required | number <double> Price the user should pay for the shipment. |
shipmentProviderId required | string non-empty Shipment provider used for the shipment. Possible options are "Dao, PostNord" |
expectedMaxWeightInGrams required | integer <int32> What is the expected weight of the package being send |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "price": 0.1,
- "shipmentProviderId": "string",
- "expectedMaxWeightInGrams": 0
Response samples
- 200
- 400
{- "externalId": "string",
- "amount": 0.1,
- "isPaid": true,
- "state": "Pending"